Proposed 2024 version of Register of Recommended procedures and Guidelines now available by clicking here

Welcome to ITTC

The International Towing Tank Conference is a voluntary association of worldwide organizations that have the responsibility for the prediction of the hydrodynamic performance of ships and marine installations based on the results of physical and numerical experiments.

ITTC is recognized as an NGO with observer status to IMO, the International Maritime Organization, where ITTC participates actively in matters regarding safety and performance.

The Full Conference, comprising representatives of all member organizations, is held every three years and constitutes the highest authority of the ITTC. The Executive Committee is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the ITTC, assisted by the Advisory Council on technical matters. A number of  technical committees perform defined work tasks between Full Conferences and report to the Full Conference.

The venue of the Full Conference circulates between the seven regions Americas, Northern Europe, Central Europe, Southern Europe, North and West Asia, South and East Asia, and Pacific Islands.